Stuck in a year-long sales cycle? You're not alone.

Navigating complex hierarchies can leave you feeling lost, and reaching the right people and getting their approval, or at least a chance to pitch your software to them can truly feel like cracking a high-security code.

Multiple decision-makers, budgetary roadblocks, and the ever-present need to prove ROI can leave even the most seasoned salesperson scratching their head.

But we’ve run this marathon quite a few times, so here's how to overcome these challenges and win big in enterprise software sales.

What is Enterprise Software Sales?

Enterprise software sales involve large-scale, high-value, complex software solutions designed to meet the needs of big organizations — think Fortune 500 companies, multinational corporations, and large government agencies. 

In enterprise software sales, you’re not just selling features — you’re selling a vision. You must understand clients' challenges and show them that your solution is the key to overcoming them. You need to demonstrate how your software can improve their operations and efficiency and drive their business forward.

Consequently, it’s not uncommon for a software service provider to eventually become a client’s long-term, trusted partner in business growth.

Enterprise deals are typically complex and take longer to close than regular software sales. 

Here's a breakdown of what it typically entails: 

  • Products: Enterprise software solutions are robust, scalable, and designed to handle a lot of complexity. We're talking Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems, Customer Relationship Management (CRM) platforms, supply chain management software, and more. These products are often highly customizable to meet the needs of different industries and organizations. 
  • Sales cycle: The sales cycle for enterprise software involves multiple stages, from initial contact and needs assessment to demonstrations, negotiations, and closing the deal. This process can take several months to over a year. You must be patient and persistent, maintain ongoing communication, and nurture the relationship throughout the cycle.
  • Stakeholders: Decisions are rarely made by a single person (or even a department). You'll deal with multiple stakeholders, including C-suite executives, IT managers, procurement teams, and end-users. Each group needs to be convinced that your solution is the best fit for their needs. Building consensus among these diverse stakeholders is a critical part of the process.

Selling Software to Enterprises vs. Small Businesses or Individuals: What’s the Difference? 

Selling software to enterprises is different from selling to small businesses or individual consumers. While the fundamental goal remains the same — to provide a solution that meets the customer's needs — the scale, complexity, and approach are completely different. 

The enterprise sales process requires a strategic and consultative approach. Selling to SMBs and individuals focuses on faster sales cycles and highlighting the software's value proposition for their specific needs.

Let's break down these differences to get a clearer picture:


  • Large organizations with many employees and complex needs
  • Highly complex solutions like ERP or CRM systems, often requiring customization
  • Lengthy, lasting months or years, involving multiple demos and stakeholder approvals
  • Multiple stakeholders, including executives and technical specialists
  • Complex processes needing skilled sales teams, product expertise, and strong communication
  • High-value contracts due to complexity and customization


  • Businesses with fewer employees and simpler needs
  • Easier-to-use software for specific tasks, like accounting software, marketing tools, or productivity apps
  • Shorter, typically days or weeks, with quicker decisions and less emphasis on customization
  • Fewer decision-makers, often the business owner or relevant department head
  • More direct, possibly involving self-service options, online demos, and a smaller sales team
  • Lower, with options like freemium models, tiered subscriptions, or one-time purchases

Software Sales Types 

Software sales can be categorized into three main types based on the complexity of the product, target customer, and sales approach:

  • Self-service sales model
  • Transactional sales model
  • Enterprise sales model

Self-Service Sales Model

  • Generally tailored to individuals or startups
  • Examples are simple and easy-to-use software (basic productivity tools, photo editing apps, or project management software)
  • Minimal to no assistance. Customers can research, purchase, and set up the software through a website or app store
  • Freemium or low-cost subscription

Transactional Sales Model

  • Generally tailored to small and mid-sized businesses
  • Moderately complex, ready-to-use software (accounting software, marketing automation tools, or customer support platforms)
  • More complex than self-service products, but not requiring extensive customization (per seat, per feature, etc.)
  • A combination of inbound and outbound tactics, sales reps might focus on qualifying leads, highlighting product features, and closing deals

Enterprise Sales Model

  • Tailored to large and enterprise organizations
  • Highly complex and often customized to fit the specific needs of the organization (ERP systems, CRM software, global payroll solutions)
  • Usually more complex than standard models, with a focus on customization and value delivered (tier pricing, usage-based, etc.)
  • Relationship-based, focused on educating and nurturing leads, understanding customer pain points, and customizing solutions

Key Challenges of Selling Software to Enterprises 

Here are some of the common challenges faced when selling software to enterprises:

  • Complex buying process: As mentioned, enterprise sales cycles are lengthy (can take 6-18 months to close) and involve multiple decision-makers with varying priorities. Convincing each stakeholder of the software's value and navigating their approval process can be time-consuming and require patience and sustained effort from the sales team, as well as effective sales pipeline management to keep the prospect engaged throughout the process. 
  • Multiple stakeholders: Decisions aren't made by a single person, so you'll need to address the concerns of IT specialists, department heads, and executives, each with their own technical requirements and budgetary constraints. 
  • Need for customization: Enterprise software often needs to be customized to fit the specific needs of the business. This can add complexity to the sales process and require additional resources for development and implementation. 
  • Security and compliance concerns: Enterprises have strict security and compliance requirements, even more so if they operate across different countries and regions. Your software needs to meet these standards globally to gain their trust and avoid concerns related to data security.
  • Integration challenges: The new software needs to integrate seamlessly with existing enterprise systems to minimize workflow disruptions. This can involve technical hurdles and require collaboration with the customer's IT team. 
  • Competition: The Enterprise Software market is highly competitive, so you'll need to effectively differentiate your product and demonstrate a clear value proposition compared to established players. 
  • Budget constraints: Enterprise deals are high-value, but organizations are cost-conscious. Your sales team must demonstrate a strong return on investment (ROI) to justify the cost of your software, so resources like testimonials and case studies are a must.

How to Sell Enterprise Software: 9 Best Practices 

Selling enterprise software is a complex game, but with the right strategies, you can turn challenges into opportunities. Below, we’re sharing nine proven practices to guide you and help improve your enterprise software selling tactics. 

1. Update Your Ideal Customer Profile (ICP) 

An ICP outlines your ideal client — and this should always be your starting point. Who do you want to sell to? A clearly defined ideal persona is essential for enterprise software sales to maximize success and target outreach, with particular attention paid to budget, size, industry, and pain points.

Here's how to update your ICP to close more deals: 

Start with Customer Data

Analyze existing enterprise customers; they are a goldmine of information. Look for patterns in their firmographics (company size, industry, revenue) and technographics (existing software used). 

Explore success stories to understand the specific challenges your software solved and the value it delivered to previous clients. These stories can reveal hidden ICP characteristics. 

Segment Your Potential Customers

Divide your target market into smaller groups with similar characteristics. You’ll be able to tailor your sales pitch and messaging to resonate better with each group's specific needs and pain points and boost your sales conversion rates. 

Segment your ICP based on factors like: 

  • Industry: Financial institutions have different needs than manufacturing companies. Tailor your messaging and value proposition to resonate with each industry's pain points. 
  • Company size: Large enterprises with complex workflows require different features than smaller, agile businesses. 
  • Department focus: Is your software targeting marketing teams, IT departments, or HR? Understanding departmental needs helps you tailor your pitch for maximum impact.

Say your software automates marketing tasks. Here’s what segmentation could look like in your case:

  • Segment 1: Large eCommerce companies (1,000+ employees) struggling with managing multiple marketing channels. 
  • Segment 2: Established marketing agencies (500+ employees) needing to streamline campaign creation for multiple clients.

Go Beyond Demographics

Identify the typical buying committee within an enterprise (CFO, CMO, CTO). Understand their priorities and concerns when evaluating software solutions because — and we can’t stress this enough — addressing your target market’s pain points and offering solutions to them is key in software selling.

Talk to Real People

Don't rely solely on data. Conduct in-depth interviews with potential customers to understand their challenges and buying journey. Use these insights to refine your ICP and craft compelling sales narratives. 

Monitor Market Trends

The enterprise market keeps changing quickly. Stay updated on industry trends, regulations, and emerging technologies that might impact your target customer's needs. Regularly revisit and update your ICP to ensure it remains relevant.

2. Identify High-Fit Target Accounts 

Once you define (or redefine) your ICP,  it’s time to find high-potential accounts that closely match this profile. You want to focus your efforts on prospects with the highest likelihood of conversion and maximize your efficiency and effectiveness.

Start by analyzing your existing customer base. Look at your current clients who fit your ICP and their characteristics, behaviors, and patterns. 

What you should look for are common traits among your best customers, such as: 

  • Industry
  • Company size
  • Technology stack
  • Specific pain points they solved with your software

You’ll get valuable insights into what makes an account a high-fit target. To speed up this research, you can use sales intelligence tools to expand and refine your list of potential accounts. For example:

  • ZoomInfo
  • LinkedIn Sales Navigator
  • Clearbit
  • Cognism

And many others! These tools can gather detailed firmographic and technographic data and help you identify companies that closely match your ICP. 

Using intent data to understand which companies are currently in the market for solutions like yours is also a good tactic. Platforms such as Usergems or Demandbase can indicate which organizations are actively researching topics related to your software, signaling a higher likelihood of interest and readiness to buy.

With your refined list, prioritize target accounts based on their alignment with your ICP and current buying intent. Focus on accounts where you have the strongest case for solving their problems and where your software can deliver the most value. 

3. Target the Right Decision-Maker(s) 

In enterprise software sales, the buying process is complex and often involves multiple stakeholders. You have to identify and target the right decision-makers who hold the buying power and influence.

Understand the Decision-Making Structure

Begin by understanding the organizational structure of your target accounts. Large enterprises typically have a hierarchical decision-making process involving various departments and levels of authority. You must identify the key players and discover how decisions are made within the organization.

Research the company’s structure through resources like LinkedIn, website, and industry reports.

Identify the departments and roles that would be involved in the purchasing decision for your software. Be aware that there might be multiple decision-makers and influencers, such as procurement officers, end-users, and financial controllers.

For example, if you are selling IT security software, key decision-makers could be:

  • Chief Information Security Officer (CISO): Responsible for security strategy and policies
  • Chief Technology Officer (CTO): Ensures the security software aligns with the organization’s technology strategy.
  • Chief Information Officer (CIO): Oversees the integration of security measures with the company’s IT infrastructure.
  • IT Security Managers: Evaluate the technical aspects of the software and its compatibility with existing systems.
  • IT Directors: Assess the software's potential impact on overall IT operations.
  • Chief Financial Officer (CFO): Considers the cost and financial benefits, ensuring the investment aligns with the organization’s budget and ROI expectations.
  • Procurement Officers: Manage the acquisition process, ensuring compliance with purchasing policies and negotiating terms.
  • Compliance Officers: Ensure that the software meets industry regulations and compliance requirements

Research and Profile the Decision-Makers

Once you have identified the key roles, the next step is to gather detailed information about the people in these positions.

Use LinkedIn to find profiles of the individuals in the key roles. Look for information about 

  • Their professional background
  • Interests 
  • Involvement in industry events, publications
  • Recent activity - any content they share or comment on.

Understand what drives each decision-maker. For example, a CTO might focus on your software's technical strength, while a CFO might be more concerned with the financial ROI.

Important to remember: Although it's important to identify the key stakeholders, don’t underestimate “the gatekeepers”. Administrative assistants, receptionists, or even lower-level IT staff can act as gatekeepers, controlling access to the decision-makers. Treat them with courtesy and respect, and build relationships to ensure your message reaches the right people. 

4. Personalize Your Messaging for Key Decision-Makers 

One-size-fits-all messaging obviously won't work, especially if you’re working with several ICP segments. To improve your chances of success, you must understand each decision-maker’s specific needs and challenges and tailor your pitch to address their pain points. 

Here’s how to personalize your messaging effectively.

Understand Each Decision Maker’s Specific Needs

Each enterprise decision-maker has unique responsibilities and concerns. For example:

  • CTO: Focus on software scalability, integration with existing systems, and long-term technical benefits.
  • CFO: Emphasize cost-effectiveness, financial ROI, and budget alignment.
  • CIO: Highlight how the software aligns with the company’s IT strategy and improves overall efficiency.
  • End-User Managers: Address ease of use, feature set, and how the software will improve their team’s productivity.

To personalize messages, you need to understand them. Review their LinkedIn profiles for insights into their professional background, interests, and recent activities. Look for bios and any featured articles or blog posts they sign. Read interviews, articles, or papers where they have expressed their views or concerns.

Tailor Your Pitch

Once you’ve gathered information on the decision-makers’ specific needs, tailor your pitch to directly address their concerns. Use clear and relevant examples to show them how your software can solve their problems and deliver tangible benefits.

  1. For the CTO: “Our software offers seamless integration with your existing tech stack, reducing deployment time and ensuring compatibility. Its scalable architecture supports future growth, making it a long-term solution for your technology needs.”
  2. For the CFO: “By adopting our software, you can expect a 20% reduction in operational costs within the first year. Our pricing model is flexible, ensuring it fits within your budget while delivering a high ROI.”
  3. For the CIO: “Our solution aligns perfectly with your IT strategy, enhancing system efficiency and security. It streamlines operations, freeing your team to focus on more strategic initiatives.”
  4. For End-User Managers: “The intuitive user interface of our software will boost your team’s productivity by 30%, reducing the learning curve and minimizing disruptions to your daily operations.”

Share specific examples of how your software has helped similar companies overcome challenges. Use data and metrics to highlight the success.

Naturally, every decision-maker is concerned with the ROI your software can deliver. Be prepared to cover this in your messaging.

  • Highlight quantifiable benefits: “By implementing our software, you can expect a 20% increase in productivity, which will annually save $500,000.”
  • Emphasize your software's long-term value: “In addition to the initial cost savings, our software will support your organization’s growth and be a valuable asset in future years.”

5. Prove that Your Software is Enterprise Material 

Enterprise decision-makers are usually swamped with offers. To overcome that and stand out among competitors, you must prove that your product is not just another tool but a robust, secure, and reliable solution that can handle the demands of large organizations. 

To do this, demonstrate the security, scalability, and reliability, and be prepared to show how your software integrates seamlessly with existing systems while delivering value.


Security is a top priority for enterprise clients, as they handle sensitive data and require strong protective measures. To prove that your software meets enterprise standards, highlight its security features and compliance with industry regulations.

  • Highlight security features like data encryption, access controls, authentication, and more.
  • Discuss your commitment to regular security audits and updates to address vulnerabilities promptly.
  • Provide evidence of certifications such as ISO 27001, SOC 2, or GDPR compliance.


Enterprise software must be able to grow with the organization and handle increasing volumes of data and users without compromising performance. Demonstrate your software’s scalability to reassure potential clients of its long-term viability:

  • Explain how your software’s modular design allows for easy scaling by adding more modules or features as needed.
  • Highlight your software’s cloud-based solutions that offer virtually unlimited scalability.
  • Share examples of how your software has scaled to meet the growing needs of existing clients. Use data to show how your software performs under high loads, such as the number of transactions per second or user concurrency it can handle.


Reliability is critical for enterprises, as downtime can lead to significant financial losses and operational disruptions. Prove your software’s reliability through robust testing and performance metrics.

  • Offer SLAs that guarantee high uptime percentages, such as 99.9% or higher.
  • Explain the redundancy and failover mechanisms to ensure continuous operation.
  • Share results from load testing that demonstrate your software’s reliability under stress.
  • Include testimonials from existing clients who have experienced minimal downtime and consistent performance.

Integration with Existing Systems

Enterprise clients need assurance that your software will work well with their current infrastructure without causing disruptions. 

  • Highlight the APIs and connectors your software offers to integrate with common enterprise systems such as ERP, CRM, and HR platforms.
  • Offer professional services or support teams to assist with the integration process.
  • Provide comprehensive training and documentation to help clients integrate your software smoothly.
  • Discuss your software’s ability to interoperate with other enterprise tools and platforms.

6. Leverage Case Studies 

Success stories from existing customers show your software's effectiveness and build trust with potential buyers. Case studies, testimonials from satisfied enterprise clients, and good reviews on Google, websites like G2, and social media platforms can prove your software’s value.

When selecting case studies, choose those that closely align with the challenges and goals of your target market. Your potential customers will be able to see themselves in the success stories and understand how your software can address their needs.

Select case studies that highlight issues similar to those your prospective clients face, such as improving operational efficiency, reducing costs, or enhancing security. For example, if you target financial institutions, showcase a case study (preferably with measurable results) where your software helped another bank improve its fraud detection capabilities.

Ensure that your case studies are readily available to potential clients. They should be prominently featured on your website, social media accounts, and marketing materials.

7. Find (and Empower) Your Internal Champion(s) 

Internal champions are individuals within the target enterprise who believe in and support your product. They can help you maneuver the internal dynamics, advocate for your software, and influence other decision-makers.

Identify individuals who have shown interest in your product during demos, trials, or initial conversations. These people may not have the final decision-making power, but they can influence those who do.

For example, a project manager who actively engages in discussions and asks detailed questions about your software’s capabilities during a demo session.

Once you’ve identified potential champions, equip them with the tools and information they need to promote your software internally. They should fully understand your software’s features, benefits, and use cases by offering training sessions, webinars, and detailed documentation.

Give your champion access to case studies, whitepapers, ROI calculators, and other marketing materials to help them build a strong case for your software. To keep them engaged, maintain regular contact with your champions, offering ongoing support and updates, and consider providing incentives for champions who successfully advocate for your software.

8. Test Different Pricing Models and Structures 

Before testing different pricing models, analyze your competitors’ pricing strategies to identify industry standards and potential gaps you can fill.

Flexibility in pricing can help you accommodate different customer needs and maximize your revenue. You can consider

  • Subscription models: Customers pay a recurring fee (monthly or annually) for continuous access to your software.
  • Tiered pricing: Different pricing levels are offered based on varying features and support, allowing customers to choose a plan that fits their needs.
  • Usage-based pricing: Customers are charged based on their software usage, such as the number of transactions or data volume.
  • Perpetual licensing: A one-time purchase fee grants customers permanent access to the software, often with optional annual maintenance fees.
  • Custom quotes: Pricing is tailored to each enterprise client's specific needs and requirements, typically for large or complex implementations.

Note: Clear and transparent pricing information builds trust with potential customers and helps them make informed decisions.

You should be prepared to create customized proposals that align with your enterprise clients' specific requirements and budget constraints. To provide even more value and encourage larger purchases and long-lasting contracts, offer:

  • Volume discounts
  • Long-term commitment incentives
  • Bundled services

9. Play the Long Game 

Complex sales cycles, like when you’re selling to enterprises, require sustained effort. Maintain regular and meaningful communication with your prospects to build trust and keep your solution in consideration over time.

Sometimes, there’s an increase in the stakeholders involved, according to Luke Floyd, Enterprise Account Executive at Deel.

“If everything gets escalated to a higher level, then what previously only required a VP of HR's approval, might now also have to be agreed to by the Chief People Officer/CHRO before being presented to the CFO. So, there are additional "shadow stakeholders" who are now involved whether sellers realize it or not,”

Luke shares two practical tips on how to overcome this challenge:

“The best way to figure this out is to be transparent about what you're seeing as a sales rep:

‘I'm curious to understand more about what you're seeing at [COMPANY].  Do you expect this spend to be reviewed all the way to the CFO?  If so, do you think your leadership will want to approve and vet it fully before having finance review?’ or:

‘Many of my clients are seeing increased scrutiny in getting the budget approved for items like these, and it can surprise them at the last minute.  To be the best decision-making resource possible, could you help me outline step by step who would need to approve for finance, who would need to be involved for feedback as a user, and when you think procurement would want to be looped in?’

Consistently demonstrate your expertise and position yourself as a trusted advisor. This approach not only helps with short-term customer acquisition but also fosters long-term partnerships.

10. Learn How and When to Say “No” in Enterprise Sales 

Not every opportunity is worth pursuing. Assess each prospect carefully against your ICP criteria. If they don’t match, be prepared to say no. Being selective allows you to concentrate on building strong, profitable relationships with customers who are a better fit for your solution.

In case that your potential customer has:

  • Specific needs that don’t really align with your software offering
  • Unrealistic budget expectations and falls short of the value your software deliver
  • History of failing to pay their vendors or company culture resistant to change
  • The low reward for the risk you’d be taking by working with them or resources required to close them
  • A company culture that clashes with yours, potentially preventing a long-term partnership and successful future collaboration

Don’t be afraid to walk away and redirect your efforts into another, more promising deal.

Sales Strategies for Closing Enterprise Deals 

Closing enterprise deals requires a nuanced approach that goes beyond simply presenting your product. The following three sales methodologies are specifically designed to navigate complex negotiations and secure high-value contracts.

SPIN Selling 

This method focuses on uncovering the prospect's Situation, Problems, Implications, and Needs. By asking insightful questions, you can: 

  • Understand the current state of their business (Situation). 
  • Identify their specific pain points and challenges (Problems). 
  • Help them grasp the potential consequences of inaction (Implications).
  • Guide them towards a clear understanding of their desired outcomes (Needs). 

This targeted approach positions you as a trusted advisor, not just a salesperson, and allows you to tailor your solution directly to their unique situation. Here’s an example of what this approach could look like:

Let’s say you're selling Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software.

  • Ask questions like "What are your current challenges with managing inventory across multiple locations?"
  • Uncover their pain points: "Are you experiencing stockouts or delays due to inaccurate inventory data?"
  • Help them see the consequences: "How do these issues impact your customer satisfaction and overall profitability?"
  • Guide them towards a solution: "Wouldn't a real-time inventory management system improve efficiency and reduce costs?"

SPIN Selling is ideal for software addressing specific pain points, such as:

  • Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
  • Supply Chain Management (SCM)
  • Human Capital Management (HCM)

Challenger Selling 

This strategy emphasizes challenging the prospect's assumptions and status quo. Here's the approach:

  • Don't be afraid to present a different perspective and challenge their existing beliefs about their current solutions. 
  • Guide the conversation by asking thought-provoking questions and presenting data or insights that may contradict their initial thinking.
  • Help them see their business from a new angle, highlighting untapped potential and the risks associated with complacency.
  • Once their assumptions are challenged, present your software as the solution that bridges the gap between their current state and their desired future.

Challenger Selling can be particularly effective in enterprise deals where decision-makers may be resistant to change or entrenched in traditional methods. 

Challenger Selling is effective for software disrupting traditional processes, like:

  • Marketing Automation
  • Sales Automation
  • Business Intelligence (BI) Tools
  • Project Management Software

Consultative Selling 

This collaborative approach focuses on building trust and establishing yourself as a long-term partner:

  • Conduct thorough research to understand the prospect's industry, business goals, and specific challenges. 
  • Work with them to identify and define their key objectives. This fosters a sense of partnership and shared purpose.
  • Don't just present a generic product pitch. Tailor your software to directly address their unique needs and demonstrate its alignment with their overall business strategy. 
  • Go beyond features and benefits. Quantify the ROI and long-term value your software can deliver for their organization.

Consultative Selling is well-suited for software requiring deep customer understanding, such as:

  • Data Security Software
  • Enterprise Content Management (ECM) Systems
  • Financial Management Software
  • Cloud Computing Solutions

Enterprise Software Sales FAQs 

How do I create an enterprise sales model? 

You can create an enterprise sales model by following these steps:

  • Identify your Ideal Customer Profile (ICP), including the specific industries, company sizes, and decision-making structures you'll target
  • Define the unique value your software offers to large companies, explaining how it solves their pain points
  • Establish a structured sales process specifically designed for enterprise deals (qualification, discovery, proposal building, negotiation, and closing)
  • Develop a pricing strategy that aligns with the value proposition and caters to enterprise budgets (like custom quotes)
  • Determine the structure of your sales team (consider dedicated account executives, sales managers, solution architects, and SDRs)
  • Invest in the necessary technology tools like CRM software, sales automation platforms, and communication tools to support your sales activities

How do I build an enterprise sales team? 

Building a successful enterprise sales team requires recruiting and nurturing individuals with the right skills and experience.

Look for candidates with experience in complex B2B sales, ideally within the enterprise software space. Prioritize strong communication, relationship-building skills, and the ability to navigate complex buying processes. 

Once you’ve found the right people, make sure they get comprehensive training on your product, sales methodology, and the specific needs of your target market. Invest in ongoing coaching and development programs to keep your team sharp.

Also, don’t forget to give your team the necessary resources, like sales collateral, product demos, competitive battle cards, and access to customer success stories. 

Clear SDR performance metrics will help you track progress and incentivize desired behaviors, while recognition and reward programs will keep your team motivated. 

What skills do you (or your sales team) need for enterprise sales? 

Enterprise sales require a specific skillset to navigate complex deals and build trust with high-level decision-makers:

  • Strong communication, so that you can articulate the value proposition clearly and tailor communication styles to different stakeholders.
  • Relationship-building skills so that you can foster rapport and navigate complex buying committees
  • Solution selling through understanding the customer’s business challenges and presenting your software as a strategic solution 
  • A solid understanding of your software's capabilities and how it integrates with existing enterprise systems
  • Negotiation skills to get you through pricing discussions and securing favorable contract terms
  • Resilience and persistence, as enterprise sales cycles are long, and rejections are part of the game

Close More Enterprise Deals with AltiSales

If you’re looking to improve the success rates of closing enterprise deals when selling your software, you’re in the right place. The AltiSales team is here to help you sell more efficiently, build a more stable pipeline, and generate more revenue.

With AltiSales, you can achieve full control over your pipeline generation:

  • Boost your sales team’s efficiency by tracking each rep’s metrics and sequence performance
  • Outsource your sales process, from data research and cold calling to email personalization to scheduling meetings, and more to our experienced team of outstanding sales reps
  • Use our data to define your target accounts and prioritize those with the highest chance of converting based on a rock-solid scoring system
  • Gain feedback from meetings to control their quality and improve them month over month
  • Hire new amazing SDRs and build a top-performing team with the help of our fractional leadership
“AltiSales booked, in a period of 4 months, 100 meetings. 10 of them became customers; which was a significant amount of net new MRR for us.”

Join Bombora, Docebo, IBM, and other software companies that leverage AltiSales’ expertise to unlock new business opportunities every day and close enterprise deals while boosting customer retention and reducing churn.

Reach out to us today to find out more about how we can help you.

“AltiSales booked, in a period of 4 months, 100 meetings. 10 of them became customers; which was a significant amount of net new MRR for us.”
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B2B Sales Outsourcing FAQs
What is B2B sales outsourcing?

B2B sales outsourcing involves hiring a third-party service provider to manage various sales functions and processes for your business. These functions can range from lead generation and qualification to setting appointments, closing sales, and managing customer relationships.

Why should a company consider outsourcing its sales functions?

B2B sales outsourcing involves hiring a third-party service provider to manage various sales functions and processes for your business. These functions can range from lead generation and qualification to setting appointments, closing sales, and managing customer relationships.

How can outsourcing sales improve business performance?

B2B sales outsourcing involves hiring a third-party service provider to manage various sales functions and processes for your business. These functions can range from lead generation and qualification to setting appointments, closing sales, and managing customer relationships.

What types of sales activities can be outsourced?

B2B sales outsourcing involves hiring a third-party service provider to manage various sales functions and processes for your business. These functions can range from lead generation and qualification to setting appointments, closing sales, and managing customer relationships.

How do you choose the right B2B sales outsourcing company?

B2B sales outsourcing involves hiring a third-party service provider to manage various sales functions and processes for your business. These functions can range from lead generation and qualification to setting appointments, closing sales, and managing customer relationships.

How do you work with an outsourced sales team?

B2B sales outsourcing involves hiring a third-party service provider to manage various sales functions and processes for your business. These functions can range from lead generation and qualification to setting appointments, closing sales, and managing customer relationships.

How much do sales outsourcing services cost?

B2B sales outsourcing involves hiring a third-party service provider to manage various sales functions and processes for your business. These functions can range from lead generation and qualification to setting appointments, closing sales, and managing customer relationships.

How do you measure the success of your outsourced sales efforts?

B2B sales outsourcing involves hiring a third-party service provider to manage various sales functions and processes for your business. These functions can range from lead generation and qualification to setting appointments, closing sales, and managing customer relationships.